Green Homes – How can brokers engage property owners?

Green Homes Webinar

How can brokers engage property owners?

This event focused on how mortgage brokers can engage their customers including case studies, an overview of EPCs and improvements, and benefits like increased affordability.

The event was hosted by Pam Barbato (Founder, Action Net Zero) with presenters and panellists from Propflo, Leeds Building Society, Elmhurst Energy, Mortgage Climate Action Group and Alexander Hall.

When is the best time to engage property owners?

Luke Loveridge, Founder & CEO (Propflo)

What are some of the most impactful improvements?

Andrew Parkin, Director (Elmhurst Energy)

How does energy efficiency affect affordability?

James Chutter, National Account Manager (Leeds Building Society)

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How do I take part?

Email us on with the subject ‘Net Zero Project’.

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